Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Swatting balls

The time is growing near that our little girl will stop being so little. But right now we're just focusing on the newest camp -- tennis camp.
It's really cute to see all the little kids out there swinging at the balls. It's funny seeing the adults hack around like blind lumberjacks. Don't get me wrong, some of them are really good, but others need to just give it up.
And don't worry, I'm under no illusion about which group I belong in.
Big sister on the other hand is actually pretty good for a five-year-old. Yes, she has some things to work on, but she's got good form (at least that's what the coach told the beautiful wife).
We've been working for several weeks on tennis. She bought me a bucket balls for father's day and I made the commitment to come home early every Wednesday to play with her. I don't know if she enjoys tennis or spending time with me, but we have a good hour or two together, just me and her every week.
No, she's not going to be the next Venus or Serena Williams (you never know, I suppose), but just maybe we'll have something we can talk about 10 years from now when everything else I do is just embarrassing.

1 comment:

lemming said...

I love the image of five years olds swinging at tennis balls. AS you say, though, I'm sure Venus and Serena were experts by five...